Concrete Mixer

Concrete Mixer

Concrete Mixer

A concrete mixer is a machine that is used to mix cement, aggregate (such as sand or gravel), and water to make concrete. The concrete mixer can be powered by electricity, gasoline or diesel engine. There are different types of concrete mixers, including:

  1. Drum mixers: These mixers have a large, rotating drum in which the ingredients are mixed together. They are available in both portable and stationary models.
  2. Forced action mixers: These mixers use paddles inside a drum to mix the ingredients together. They are used for smaller jobs and are often portable.
  3. Volumetric mixers: These mixers measure the precise amounts of each ingredient and then mix them together. They are used for large jobs and are often mounted on trucks.
  4. Self-loading mixer: They are able to load, mix and discharge by themselves, they are commonly used for medium to large jobs and are also mounted on trucks.

Concrete mixers are commonly used in construction, roadworks, and other projects that require large amounts of concrete to be mixed. They allow for quick, efficient mixing of the ingredients, which helps to ensure that the finished product has a consistent strength and quality.