Steel Bar

Steel Bar

Steel Bar

TMT stands for "thermo-mechanically treated" and it's a type of reinforcing steel bar used in construction. TMT bars are made by heating the steel to a high temperature, then cooling it rapidly in a controlled manner using water or oil.

This process improves the strength and ductility of the steel, making it more durable and resistant to bending, twisting, and other types of deformation. TMT bars are typically stronger and more durable than traditional mild steel bars, making them well suited for use in high-stress and high-load applications.

Some of the advantages of TMT bars over mild steel bars are:

  • Higher yield strength
  • High ductility
  • Better bendability
  • Higher corrosion resistance
  • Better weldability
  • Better bonding with concrete

TMT bars are widely used in the construction of buildings, bridges, roads, and other infrastructure projects. They are also used in the construction of retaining walls, foundations, and other types of structures.

The strength of TMT bars is measured in terms of its yield strength, which is the point at which the bar begins to deform permanently. TMT bars are available in different grades, each with a different yield strength, which allows engineers and builders to select the appropriate grade for a specific application.