Air Leg Rock Drilling Machine

Air Leg Rock Drilling Machine

Air Leg Rock Drilling Machine

The Air Leg Rock Drilling Machine is a type of pneumatic drilling equipment that is used for drilling and blasting in mining, construction, and other industries. It is a handheld, lightweight, and portable drill that is suitable for drilling in both hard rock and soft rock.

The Air Leg Rock Drilling Machine is powered by compressed air and it is equipped with a hammer action that generates a high-frequency impact force, which is used to break up the rock or other materials being drilled. It typically comes with a built-in air leg that provides support and stability to the drill during operation. It can drill holes with a diameter of 28-42mm and a depth of up to 6 meters.

The Air Leg Rock Drilling Machine is commonly used in underground mining, quarrying, and construction projects, as well as in drilling and blasting operations. It is suitable for drilling in narrow and confined spaces, and it's also used for drilling in hard-to-reach areas that are inaccessible by other drilling equipment.

One of the main advantages of the Air Leg Rock Drilling Machine is that it is lightweight, easy to handle and transport, and requires low maintenance. It is also relatively safe to use, as it does not produce sparks or heat and it can be used in underground mines or other explosive environments.

It is important to use the correct Air Leg Rock Drilling Machine for the task, to make sure that the machine is well-maintained, with no leaks or damage, and to follow proper drilling techniques and safety guidelines when using it to avoid accidents and injuries.